7th Annual Pricing & Reimbursement Strategies in Pharma Conference

With these increasing pressures upon the pharmaceuticals industry, it has never been more important to formulate an accurately informed pricing strategyExamining HE strategies and requirements in major markets and producing an effective pricing policy
- 30th September/1st October 2008, BSG House, London, UK -
Now in its seventh year, The Annual Pricing & Reimbursement conference will provide you with the information and analysis you need to understand the dynamics of the market and create an effective pricing policy for both the forthcoming year and subsequent strategic development. This 2-day event will assist in better planning and marketing strategy and enable you to share your insights on this evolving industry issue.
Key Industry Speakers Include
- Anne-Toni Rodgers, Director, Government Affairs and Public Policy - Europe Baxter
- Keith Tolley, Director, Health Economics
- Trevor Leighton, Vice President Pricing & Reimbursement, Shire
- Dr. Sabine Vogler, ÖBIG, Austrian Institute of Health
- Martin Egler, Director Pharmacoeconomics, Pricing & Reimbursement Central Strategic Marketing CNS, Merz Pharmaceuticals
- Dr. Elisabeth George, Technical Adviser, NICE
- Dr. Rainer Walenta, Director Global Pricing & Reimbursement, Solvay
- Dr Sean S. Tunis, Founder and Director, Center for Medical Technology Policy*
Guaranteeing you arrive in the marketplace rapidly, with few prescribing restrictions and with the most effective pricing will aid your products success. However with increasing regulatory restrictions this isn’t as easy as it should be. Government and private payment requirements will force your bottom line as much as possible. They will demand clinical improvement. These issues all add to the challenges you will face getting a successful product in the market. Therefore your pricing and Reimbursement strategy is critical to the strategy of your organization and should have an impact from product development, right through the product lifecycle.
Key themes include:
• HE requirements in major markets and the role of HE in determining pricing /reimbursement
• Protecting innovation: Product lifecycle price strategy
• Pricing and reimbursement of oncology drugs
• Focus on the requirements of specific pricing strategies: Europe, USA, and Japan
• Producing an effective global strategy to gain market share
• Pricing and reimbursement continues to be one of the most talked about industry issues.
By attending this conference you will:
• Understand of the healthcare market dynamics and P&R environment
• Gain insight into how P&R fi ts into company strategy and understand how specific P&R trends are shaping the European and US markets
• Hear critical information needed to arrive at the most effective strategy
• Make the most profi table decisions
• Participate in a range of networking opportunities
Standard Prices
Conference only Fee: £1299
If you would like to send more than 1 person then take advantage of the 3 for 2 offer. Send 3 people but only pay for 2.
Places are strictly limited and are on a first come first serve basis. Secure your delegate place today!!
-How to book-
Booking is simple! All you need to register is contact Suvitha.
You can either call 44(0)2075499946
or email: