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A Simple Way of Using LinkedIn for Recruiters

A Simple Way of Using LinkedIn for Recruiters


We all know that LinkedIn is a great resource for recruiters, but how can you take advantage of it without an expensive recruiting account? Here's a few ideas:
Last Updated: 15-Mar-2018

Use Your LinkedIn Headline

By using your LinkedIn Headline as a “quick advert”, anyone who looks at your profile will see what you’re after. For example  “Looking for experienced Regulatory Affairs professionals in London”

Post an Image of Your Hot Job

You can use an online tool like PicMonkey or Stencil to create an image of your Hot Job (or a generic version) . Keep it simple and clean and come up with a template you can use repeatedly by changing the job title. Then post your image so that it appears on your timeline.

Do Some “People” Searches

Now that you have the job in your headline and timeline, do some simple searches for individuals with the appropriate job titles.  By viewing a dozen or so profiles each day, you will appear in their “see who’s looking at your profile” page. It’s surprising, but most people find it hard to resist seeing who’s been looking at their profile .

If you’ve done your searches in line with your current “hot job”, you should expect at least some of those that you’ve viewed, to visit your profile in return. Now, if your profile is focused and correctly targeting those candidates that you’re after, you should start to get some connection requests. If not, you can see who’s viewed your profile anyway, and make a “warm” connection request to them!