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Brexit threatening to impact PPE supply

Brexit threatening to impact PPE supply


Supply of life-saving PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) is under threat from changes to legislation as many suppliers are yet to consider the impact of Brexit.
  • Author Company: PharmiWeb
  • Author Name: PharmiWeb Editor
Editor: PharmiWeb Editor Last Updated: 12-Jan-2021

Supply of life-saving PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) is under threat from changes to legislation as many suppliers are yet to consider the impact of Brexit. This is according to ASAP Innovations, a leading manufacturer of medical PPE, which states that while we’re currently in a grace period, buyers should be planning now for the changes to come and ensuring their suppliers have the correct certifications for the UK market.

Following last minute Brexit agreements, and a global pandemic having disrupted preparations, many organisations have been left scrambling and there is still much confusion post-Brexit. Just a few months ago, the British Chambers of Commerce found that only half of UK firms that trade internationally had considered the impact of Brexit on their business[1]. “But with PPE having never been more important than it is currently, it’s critical that hospitals and healthcare institutions protect their PPE supply by ensuring their suppliers are ready for the changes to come,” says Sean Keller, Managing Director, ASAP Innovations.

Sean adds, “With the EU stockpiling emergency medical supplies, including PPE as part of its RescEU programme[2], there’s also a risk that the UK will be squeezed out as manufacturers favour ‘an easier option’, supplying to nations in which they are already accredited and don’t need to apply for further registration. In this instance, many UK organisations, and importantly, healthcare institutions will not be able to continue sourcing PPE from their previous suppliers.

“We’re currently in a grace period, with CE markings continuing to be recognised in Great Britain until 30th June 2023, meaning certificates issued by EU-recognised Notified Bodies will continue to be valid for the Great Britain market until this date. However, after the 1st January 2021, the EU no longer recognises UK Notified Bodies such as the MHRA. This means that UK suppliers will need to register products with other EU Notified Bodies in order to export to the EU after this date. Additionally, manufacturers from outside the UK will need to appoint a single UK ‘responsible person’ who will take responsibility for the product.

“There are a number of considerations that PPE manufacturers need to have a handle on in the immediate future and it’s therefore essential for buyers to understand where their suppliers are in their process of adjusting to subsequently understand how they might be impacted.”

Sean concludes, “Hospitals and healthcare institutions have had multiple issues with PPE supplies since the start of the pandemic last year, as the industry battled worldwide material shortages, increased demand, fraudulent products and factory closures. Brexit is the next threat to PPE supply and it’s therefore important that buyers get on top of this now to ensure they’re able to continue protecting their staff and patients.”

If you are looking for certified PPE, contact ASAP Innovations, which can help you navigate today’s market challenges to ensure you always have a reliable source of credible PPE.