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'Now consulting...'

'Now consulting...'


James Thompson of SRG Executive is on the spot in our 'Now consulting...' feature. He talks about the importance of 'doing it now' and washing your hands.
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Last Updated: 14-Jan-2022

1. What is your background in the industry?

12 years in recruitment the bulk of which has been spent in recruiting at senior management level for the bio-pharmaceuticals industry

2. What area does the company you work for specialise in?

SRG Executive specialises in attracting high calibre candidates for our happy clients in the bio-pharmaceutical industry. We work in all disciplines.

3. What can your company do for candidates that others can't?

It isn't so much as what others can't do but what others don't that we do. Candidates will know what I am talking about. The promises made but not kept and so on.

4. What will be the big issues in your area of the industry over the next 12 months?

The first products of the exploding biotech industry are beginning to hit the market in significant numbers. This is causing chronic shortages of skilled staff and managers at all levels and in many disciplines. Our challenge will be to meet client needs through the use of more creative ways of attracting good candidates.

5. What's the single best piece of advice you've received in your career?

Do it now - never leave it till later.

6. What do you look for in a potential candidate?

Most clients insist on originality of thought, an ability to make a real difference and enthusiasm - not more of the same.

7. What are the common mistakes that candidates make?

So often candidates don't listen to the question and answer what they think the interviewer wants to hear. In addition very few are able to provide evidence of success - in fact this is a common theme with both candidates and employers where objectives are not measurable.

8. What's the single best piece of CV advice you would offer potential candidates?

List key achievements for each role and link them to a measurable that demonstrates the scope of the achievement.

9. What's the single best piece of interview advice you would offer potential candidates?

Know where you are going and arrive early. This gives you the vital time to compose yourself, catch you breath and wash your hands before meeting your potential employer.

10. What advice would you give to graduates trying to get into the industry?

Find out what sorts of jobs and careers there are available and go for the one that will best suit your personality. Remember that just because you studied a laboratory-based subject at University you don't have to go into a laboratory - you could be just as well suited to sales and marketing.

11. What web sites do you recommend?

Ours of course, and pharmiweb. gives some good advice on interview techniques.