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Osteoporosis & Bone Metabolism Disorders Market 2008-2023

Osteoporosis & Bone Metabolism Disorders Market 2008-2023


In 2007, the world market for bone metabolism disorder pharmaceuticals generated sales of over $10bn - how much of this market have you captured?
Last Updated: 27-Aug-2010
The majority of this market consists of the fast-expanding osteoporosis segment, a disease with high incidence and under-treatment at present. The bone metabolism market is competitive and progressive, facing generic competition amongst its top-selling drugs. Nevertheless, market growth will be driven by aging populations worldwide and the entry of novel therapies during the years ahead. In Osteoporosis & Bone Metabolism Disorders, 2008-2023, visiongain forecasts that the bone metabolism disorder market will increase - but by just how much? Order the report today to find out..
Worldwide, significant numbers of osteoporosis sufferers remain undiagnosed. Amongst those taking medication, patient compliance is poor. In addition, bone metabolism disease patients have significant unmet needs. All these factors provide additional opportunities for further growth in the market. During this growth period, there will be major changes in the nature and make-up of the bone metabolism disorder market. This will include the decline in bisphosphonate drugs and the emergence of novel therapies.
This visiongain report reviews the global bone metabolism disorder market in detail thorough comprehensive forecasting and other analysis, as well as interviews with experts in the field, including KOLs in industry. In particular, Osteoporosis & Bone Metabolism Disorders, 2008-2023 concentrates on the following essential aspects of the global osteoporosis and bone metabolism market:
• Financial forecasts covering the period 2008-2023, including leading brands, companies, country markets and therapeutic classes of drug
• Expert opinion from industry sources
• Identification of key drugs in a well-stocked bone metabolism disorder pipeline
• Key industrial players – established and emerging - in the bone metabolism market
• Geographical breakdown of the market, including sales forecasts for leading markets, including China and India
Why you should buy this report:
• To receive a comprehensive analysis of the prospects for the osteoporosis and bone metabolism industry from 2008-2023, including sales forecasts, major growth areas and most talked-about pipeline products
• To discover predicted revenues, growth rates and other key metrics for bone disorder drugs from 2008-2023, especially leading brands
• To determine the forces that influence the osteoporosis and bone metabolism market:
• Drivers and restraints on market
• Competition
• Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
• To find out where the bone metabolism market is heading from 2008 onwards - both technologically and commercially
Further unique benefits to you when you order this report:
• Full searchable report
• Copies can be printed conveniently for offline reading
• Expert opinion from industry sources
• Packed with charts, analysis, figures, graphs and tables.
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