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PCTs are in for close scrutiny

PCTs are in for close scrutiny


The Department of Health is determined to improve commissioning, and it will do whatever it takes to make it happen. That is the message that senior departmental officials sent to practice based commissioners last week at a National Association of Primary Care conference in London.
Last Updated: 27-Aug-2010
GP entrepreneurs feel like they have been wading through mud in their attempts to get practice based commissioning (PBC) off the ground. They are battling with PCTs who are not taking PBC seriously and despite warm words, fail to deliver the support GP commissioning consortia are entitled to. But the word from the top the Director General of Commissioning stated last week is that PBC is central to the way commissioning will develop, moving forward. And that GPs will have more – not less power in the future.

Commissioning is arguably the NHS’s core competency; but it is no sacred cow. If PCTs fail to deliver against the world class commissioning assurance framework, they may find their commissioning role put out to tender to the private sector. Several private companies including PDC Healthcare may step in and help solve commissioning issues.

We know that understanding how commissioning is developing. We know where the locus of influence lies at local level in the design of care pathways and accompanying prescribing guidelines is becoming an increasingly complex detective game. Several of the PDC Healthcare team are working in this arena daily, on behalf of providers, commissioners and industry. We are well placed to help you succeed whatever happens. We can help you to succeed because of the intimate understanding and networks we have developed.