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Press Release FAQs

Press Release FAQs


Frequently asked questions about Press Releases
Last Updated: 13-Feb-2013

Below is a list of questions specific to Press Releases on To reveal the answer to each question, click onto the question.

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Once its submitted, we get a notification and check it out and approve it before it goes live. Its worth noting that our press releases do get picked up by a number of newsfeed services such as Moreover, so entries here can quite quite substantial exposure. ADD PRESS RELEASE HEREUnfortunately at the moment, you can't! so just drop your amendments on an email to and we will make the changes for you.Normally, press releases are approved within 24 hours if posted during the week. We don't normally approve any at the weekends (we like to have some time off!)Firstly we get a notification that a new release has been added. If our editorial team approve it, it will get added to the site. Initially on the homepage (generally for a day or so) then onto the press release section. Press releases are also picked up by a number of external sources, incuding Moreover, so your release gets a pretty good coverage for free. Press releases are accepted and published if we feel they are of direct interest to our readership or predominantly pharma and biotech professionals. Healthcare related news can be accepted if, again, they are of interest to those already in pharma. We do accept releases on medical devices too.