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Recruiters - How to spot a bad candidate!

Recruiters - How to spot a bad candidate!


As a recruiter it' up to you to weed out the bad candidates from the pile, so what strategies do you use? - Here are a few types of candidate who are best avoided...
Last Updated: 23-May-2016

The Evasive Candidate
You’ve more than likely come across this sort of candidate. Ask a straight-forward question, such as why they changed job/career path, and they’re unable to give you a straight answer. There might be valid reasons, but it might equally be because they’re hiding something, are unable to articulate or are uncomfortable being put on the spot.
The Job Hopper
This sort of candidate is easily spotted. Just look at their CV. Somebody who repeatedly changes job should be viewed with a degree of suspicion. It might be because they get bored easily; they are hard to work with; or they are so career driven that they jump at any opportunity that comes along.
Be careful with this sort of candidate, as they’re quite likely to be the same if you employ them.
However, it might be that they’ve not yet found the right environment to flourish, so if you can provide this they might be a good catch - but make sure you get it right.
The Desperate Candidate
When a candidate is desperate, you might be receiving calls every day pushing you for an answer. Be careful with these guys as they might be just looking for (and willing to take)  ANY job just to pay the bills.
Try and find out why they are desperate, there could be a valid reason. But unless you’re sure, if you offer them the job, it might just be a stop-gap until the sort of job they really wanted comes along.
The Overqualified Candidate
An overqualified candidate can sometimes a good thing. They can bring experience and skills to the team that you otherwise might not get. He might also see potential in the job way beyond the advertised role. But be careful though, as he might be looking for something temporary until the right role comes along.
Point out that they are overqualified for the role, and find out why they are interested
The CV with Mistakes
Anyone who makes “schoolboy” mistakes in their CV or cover letter (major spelling or grammatical errors, obvious omissions) really has to be viewed with suspicion. If they can’t get this bit right, would you really want to trust them in the role?
The Social “Idiot”
If possible, check out a candidate’s social media profile. You should “red flag” anyone who comes across as seriously wild, or out of control or or seems to be good at bad-mouthing others!
So, whilst none of these should be taken as a definite NO on their own, a combination of these in any candidate, should set alarm bells ringing.