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Why Do Companies Recruit Online?

Why Do Companies Recruit Online?


Having worked as a recruitment consultant for six years I soon realised that online recruitment was my main source of applicants. This maybe due to how easy it is for applicants to apply online and more people having Internet access. Which type of site do you tend to look at on the web? A news site? A site about your hobby or team? A job board such as Pharmiweb? With more people searching for jobs online, more companies see the benefit and use job boards to direct them to their careers page
Last Updated: 27-Aug-2010

Since 1994, when the first Internet recruitment sites were born, online recruitment has grown to a multi-million pound industry with sites ranging from small niche industry sector job boards to the generalist recruitment sites.

Over the years we have seen recruitment sites come and go, and now, after the boom, we are left with stronger, highly successful and profit making recruitment sites.  But which sites generate the most suitable applicants?

In the beginning, choosing the right job board(s) for a vacancy was a bit like the National Lottery but now that the online recruitment industry is much more stable it is possible to use hard statistics to make informed decisions giving less chance of wasting money.

Take the pharmaceutical industry as an example, there are now a number of niche job boards, such as Pharmiweb, which you can advertise with ensuring that your pharmaceutical industry vacancies are marketed to a highly targeted audience.

Candidates tend to prefer certain job boards to others and therefore it could be suggested that advertising your vacancy on two or three pharmaceutical sites would catch a greater targeted audience.

In addition there is the case for the more well-known generalist job boards.  There is a certain amount of candidate crossover among these types of job boards and therefore only one or two general sites would be advantageous.

During my experiences with online recruitment I have found that advertising my vacancies on a mixture of niche and general job boards has provided the best results.  And the best thing of all is that it is possible to alter the advert at anytime should the desired response rate be not up to expectations, something that cannot be done with a press advert.

One of my clients, one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the UK has embraced online recruitment for over three years now and posts every vacancy to multiple websites with resounding success.  They no longer use recruitment agencies and save themselves vast amounts of money.

As more and more companies are recruiting directly there is now a new breed of company being born.  These few companies provide a whole variety of recruitment services to both large and small companies such as multiple job board posting tools (recruitment agencies have been using them for years), online recruitment media buying and CV Response Management services.

My company, Ltd, is ‘one of the few’.

We provide companies the opportunity to make the most of online recruitment, listen to what they want and act on them.

Our services include:

Replicator – Our web based multiple job board posting tool.

To date this type of tool has been used by only those companies that post large numbers of vacancies online which is why we felt that it was about time to give every company the same opportunities and offer Replicator on a Pay-As-You-Go basis.

Job Board Media Buying – Our experienced online recruitment media buyers have negotiated deals enabling us to offer one job posting or tens of job postings, at very low prices, on a variety of job boards, to companies wishing to benefit from online recruitment.  Each advert we provide is fully branded with the company logo.

CV Response Management – The number of responses from online recruitment advertising can be high which is why we offer this service to help filter out the unsuitable applicants who apply for job vacancies saving the HR department lots of time which would otherwise have been wasted.

By combining all of these services we feel that companies will make online recruitment their first choice because they are now able to go to ONE company and:

  • Purchase adverts from multiple job boards.

  • Only receive suitable applications for their vacancies, cutting out wasted CV filtering time

  • Edit, Renew, Expire and manage all online vacancy adverts themselves in ONE place.

  • Receive advice from experienced online recruitment advertising consultants.

Online recruitment has come of age and companies are embracing this fact, is yours?