Conference on Clinical Trials & Regulation of Medical Devices I 20-21 November 2023 I Orlando, FL
- Hyatt Regency Orlando Airport
- 9300 Jeff Fuqua Blvd
- Orlando
- Florida
- 32827
- United States
- View on a map
- More Information:
- Organiser: Bioevents Ltd.
- Name: Rachel Katzir
- Email:
Dear Colleague,
It is with great pleasure that we invite you to attend The American Conference on Clinical Trials & Regulation of Medical Devices (CTRMD2023) which will take place 20-21 November 2023 in Orlando, Florida.
The Conference will focus on the following key areas:
Regulatory Updates and Trends
Combining Regulatory/Clinical and Reimbursement Strategies
Challenges in Regulating AI/ML Medical Devices
Cybersecurity Trends and Updates
First in Human/Pilot Study – Tips & Tricks
Clinical Data vs. Real World Evidence
Quality Management Systems and MDSAP
Clinical Evaluation Process and Report
The Role of Risk Management in Pre- and Post-Marketing
Post-Market Activities – Do’s and Don’ts
Usability/Human Factors Trends and Updates
We look forward to welcoming you to the CTRMD2023 in Orlando.
Chaired by:
Shoshana Friedman, RAC, FRAPS, Founder, Managing Director, ProMedoss
Bosmat Friedman, MSc, Managing Director, ProMedoss