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Statement on COVID-19 from the European Cancer Organisation’s Board of Directors: ‘Attention is urgently required to protect cancer patients and preserve Europe’s healthcare professional, scientific and patient societies’

The Board of Directors of the European Cancer Organisation has released a Statement on the ongoing measures being taken across Europe to manage the developing situation connected to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Statement gives particular attention to the growing impact of COVID-19 upon the treatment of cancer patients, as well as the impact of the present situation upon the functioning of Europe’s scientific, healthcare professional education and patient association sector. 


The Statement has three main messages:

  1. All citizens should continue following official government advice
  2. Governments must pay close attention to COVID impacts on cancer and other care, including urgent resolution of reported material and device shortage

Action is needed to protect Europe's scientific, healthcare professional and patient sector from long term damage by COVID measures, including through the provision of targeted relief

Commenting on the Statement, Dr Matti Aapro, President of the European Cancer Organisation said:

“Now is a moment of global urgency that is providing the most testing circumstances for healthcare systems. While Governments, healthcare professionals and the public are rising to the challenge, it is time for serious discussion about the impacts of the current situation upon treatment and care for cancer patients, and upon the financial sustainability of Europe’s productive sector of scientific, healthcare professional education and patient associations

The Board of Directors of the European Cancer Organisation has therefore issued an urgent Statement for the purpose of promoting prompt attention to these matters. Along with other areas of care, we note from reports received by our members, that the COVID-19 situation is creating a growing problem in respect to shortage of materials that are key to delivering quality of care to patients. This includes reports of shortages of face masks, respiratory devices and sanitising product. Resolving these shortages must be at the highest level of attention for all governmental structures for pandemic management at this time. 

The Statement also seeks to ensure prompt action is taken to preserve the vital educational activity of Europe’s scientific, healthcare professional and patient association sector in the wake of the major disruption being prompted by COVID-19. Cancellation and postponement of so many education Congresses and major international events can clearly not occur without adverse impact for both the budgetary positions of the organising associations and the advancement of science and education. However, with targeted relief measures, much potential long term damage could be avoided.

The proposals for economic redress build upon suggestions for a European Not-for-Profit Funding Framework provided in @EuropeanCancer’s recent response to the Roadmap consultation on Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan.

We will be seeking urgent discussion of our proposals with the European Commission, MEPs and National Ministries.”

Editor Details

  • Company:
    • Board of Directors of the European Cancer Organisation
  • Name:
    • Board of Directors of the European Cancer Organisation
Last Updated: 23-Mar-2020