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SmiLe alumnus GPX Medical sold its first NEOLA® system

SmiLe alumnus GPX Medical sold its first NEOLA® system

GPX Medical has achieved an important milestone by selling its first system for effective lung monitoring of premature infants. The company was listed on Nasdaq First North last year after a few years of development at SmiLe Incubator.

Tyndall National Institute at University College Cork in Ireland (UCC) is purchasing a NEOLA® system from GPX Medical AB (publ). The commercial value of the contract is estimated at EUR 60,000.

“This is a breakthrough for the technology and for GPX Medical as a company. The company has a strong collaborative relationship with academic research, and it is precisely in the collaboration between academia and the business world – when researchers and entrepreneurs meet – that the magic happens,” says Hanna Sjöström, CEO of GPX Medical.

The NEOLA® system will be used to conduct a large study on newborn infants at the Tyndall National Institute research facility at Cork University Maternity Hospital in collaboration with the Irish Centre for Maternal and Child Health Research (INFANT). The study will include about 200 infants.

“Hanna Sjöström heads GPX Medical skillfully and deliberately. We would like to congratulate her and her team on this fabulous achievement. GPX Medical is an example of a company based on outstanding research from Lund University that has been supported by the innovation system, and then effectively developed by brilliant entrepreneurs,” says Ebba Fåhraeus, CEO of SmiLe Incubator.

For more information, please contact:
Hanna Sjöström, CEO of GPX Medical, +46 (0) 760-10 71 16,

NEOLA® is a medical device system for continuous and non-invasive lung monitoring of premature infants. The system measures changes in lung volume and oxygen concentration in the lungs of premature infants, with the ability to immediately detect complications such as respiratory failure, a blocked airway, or an incorrectly placed tracheal tube. This means that healthcare staff are alerted to problems in real time and can treat patients immediately. The innovation comes from Lund University.

GPX Medical was a member of SmiLe Incubator 2019 – 2020.

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Last Updated: 23-Jun-2021