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Industry peers recognise and reward Pharmadoctor’s achievements with two more golds at the prestigious PM Society Digital Awards.

Industry peers recognise and reward Pharmadoctor’s achievements with two more golds at the prestigious PM Society Digital Awards.

London – 28th September 2021


Pharmadoctor, the UK’s leading provider of clinical service packages to community pharmacy was presented with two more industry recognised awards at the prestigious PM Society Digital Awards held on 16th September 2021.


A first for any company, Pharmadoctor picked up the overall Market Access award for the second consecutive year; this time for its community pharmacy-based ‘Allergy Test ‘n Treat’ service. The company was also awarded the overall Innovation Effectiveness award for its ground-breaking online consultation software known as the ‘eTool’. Used by thousands of community pharmacists across the UK to deliver a wide range of private and NHS clinical services, the Pharmadoctor eTool enables pharmacists and nurses to provide patients with personalised clinical assessments, prescription only treatments and vaccines without their patients waiting for a GP appointment.


Commenting on the awards, Pharmadoctor’s Director of Product, Judit Mora proudly says “Our UX-driven product creation workflow shows that by translating user insight into sound design and solid new technologies, we can create enjoyable and meaningful experiences for both patients and pharmacies. The learnings and processes we brought in from industry leading businesses, apps and platforms outside of our sector have translated into two new shiny awards and I am incredibly proud of our team’s achievement”.

Ms Mora goes on to say, “Our digital ecosystem makes the impact of community pharmacy measurable for both patients and pharma companies we work with”.


Both 2021 award entries showcased Pharmadoctor’s Allergy Test ‘n Treat service which enables pharmacies to offer their customers a convenient allergy consultation service, screen patients against more than 290 causes of allergy using lab-analysed blood tests, then supports pharmacists to treat the patient’s conditions in the pharmacy with up to 17 POMs without a GP prescription.

Graham Thoms, Pharmadoctor CEO remarked “being recognised once again by leading industry peers is a huge honour for the Pharmadoctor team and testament to all the hard work and creativity the team brings when developing these patient-centric pharmacy services”. He goes on to say, “not only is it recognition for Pharmadoctor, it has given us a great opportunity to showcase the wider value of community pharmacy to the pharmaceutical industry, by demonstrating how pharmacists can make a significant impact on patient care whilst reducing the burden on the NHS”.

Pharmadoctor’s multi-award-winning Allergy Test ‘n Treat Service Package is available to every UK pharmacist free of charge.

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Last Updated: 29-Sep-2021