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In the second part of our feature about stress we look at five more easy methods for reducing your stress levels…
In the second part of our feature about stress we look at five more easy methods for reducing your stress levels… 6. Forget being number one The desire to be the best has been the impetus behind many of humankind’s greatest achievements but it is also a primary driver behind depression and, therefore stress. Every day we are indoctrinated with an idea of success manufactured by advertising executives and film writers but we seemingly find it impossible to see the contradiction between George Best the footballing god and George Best the incurable alcoholic being the same man. Nobody is perfect in the real world, David Beckham is a bit thick, Stephen Hawking is no looker. By adop…
Here at PharmiWeb we are so committed to being the number one portal site for the Life Sciences industry that we often sleep here in the office and our intensive research into getting a good night’s s
For Bill Shakespeare it was a chance to dream but for too many of us a good night’s sleep is either a singular rarity or time to be eroded upon if something more important comes up. Here at PharmiWeb we are so committed to being the number one portal site for the Life Sciences industry that we often sleep here in the office and our intensive research into getting a good night’s sleep has produced some excellent tips worth sharing… Get a relaxing regular routine to prepare your body and more importantly your mind for sleep. Routines enable your mind to go into auto-pilot, stop concentrating so…
Energy Drinks have been backed up by some heavy duty marketing spend in recent years, offering benefits ranging from 'Alertness fast' to 'wings' but consumers, in the UK at least, have expressed conce
Sickly sweet, garishly coloured and guaranteed to keep you awake, not a pre-teen with a STEPS record but the arsenal of energy drinks currently weighing down shelves at a petrol station near you. With Coca Cola launching a new product, 'Play' on the South African market, the energy drinks market is in the PharmiWeb spotlight. Widely touted as the next high-growth sector of the giant soft drinks industry, a second attempt by the market leader for a slice of the cake (Coke previously tried a product called 'Lift' in Australia and New Zealand) is a significant move. Energy Drinks have been backed…
We have all seen them - they are in every bookshop next to the health and cooking sections. I am referring to the now vast number of books that claim to tell us how to improve our sex lives. The title
We have all seen them - they are in every bookshop next to the health and cooking sections. I am referring to the now vast number of books that claim to tell us how to improve our sex lives. The titles on display contain almost as many permutations of the words ‘sex’, ‘love’, ‘joy’ and ‘pleasure’ as sexual positions described between their covers. They range from Alex Comfort’s classic The Joy of Sex (first published in 1972 and still very much in print) to complete D.I.Y. packs containing books, videos and even massage oils. If the blurb on their jackets is to be believed, these books will…
Sue Caro understands the risks of working long hours. She had worked in television news for 10 years and was a programme director when, in 1989, her employers changed her terms and conditions of emplo
Individual Problems Sue Caro understands the risks of working long hours. She had worked in television news for 10 years and was a programme director when, in 1989, her employers changed her terms and conditions of employment, making overtime virtually compulsory. 'This meant I could be called, at short notice, to work long, unsociable shifts - up to 14 hours - and you had to have a very good reason to refuse. I had no control over my life.' 'The hours I was working and my family commitments meant I never had enough time to wind down properly. I constantly felt extremely tired, lacking in en…
Ask most people, including doctors, what constitutes good health and they will probably talk about living without physical illnesses like heart disease or cancer. If quizzed about what it takes to sta
Ask most people, including doctors, what constitutes good health and they will probably talk about living without physical illnesses like heart disease or cancer. If quizzed about what it takes to stay healthy, many will no doubt suggest eating well, not smoking and keeping physically fit. But how many are likely to mention the importance of emotional health as an essential component of physical health? Some might point to the need to avoid stress, but few are likely to suggest that possessing a high level of self-esteem, feeling optimistic or being able to express emotions are of critical i…
You’re looking forward to flopping on the beach and soaking up the sun - the last thing you want to hear is that you’re heading for a potential danger-zone. But because you could be exposed to dangero
You’re looking forward to flopping on the beach and soaking up the sun - the last thing you want to hear is that you’re heading for a potential danger-zone. But because you could be exposed to dangerous UV radiation, contaminated water and even venomous jelly-fish, here’s all you need to know to stay healthy The Sun At least 40,000 new cases of skin cancer are reported each year in Britain and the most serious form, malignant melanoma, claims the lives of over 1500 people. This makes sunscreen a must for any beach bum. ‘We always recommend that people apply Factor 15+ sunscreen as a matter of…
National Bowel Cancer Awareness Day was last month, you probably missed it, bowel cancer is something that most people would rather not be made aware of. But it is a frightening statistic that just un
National Bowel Cancer Awareness Day was last month, you probably missed it, bowel cancer is something that most people would rather not be made aware of. But it is a frightening statistic that just under half of the population will get some form of cancer in their lifetime. Yet what is more startling is that the second biggest killer after lung cancer is bowel cancer, a disease that is a taboo subject for many because of the nature of the condition. As with all cancers it is imperative that the warning signs are detected early so effective treatment can be provided. The good news for sufferers…